Wednesday, December 31, 2008
31 December 2008 - last day of year 2008
Had actually planned my whole afternoon to sign off the stack of documents on my table, but now I’m being forced to sign off liao. He actually booked my whole morning after the breakfast to go thru the documents and helped me to stamp off the drawing while I signed off all of them on the spot. What a good way to force me to work. Hahaha………….
Things was going weird in my department since I came back to work yesterday. Someone was actually trying to take over my position. But too bad, you are still too new to the work. She had a hard time figuring out how and what to do. Taking double effort and time to complete the task which seem easy for me. You are not train in this field so definitely you will need to paddle harder to reach the shore. As on my side, I was being asked by boss to keep track of the progress. After she had completed, she will need to pass all the work to me to fine tune to show even better results. But whenever I pass by I will still peep into her work. Not to my expectation lar. I won’t be teaching and guiding her one step after another. In this world, either you learn how to survive on your own or get yourself drown to the bottom of the sea. That’s the true fact, I cant possibly guide you and look after you progress every single minutes. Will see what you can come out with at the end of the day.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Back at Work!
Only been on leave for few days and this morning when back to work, whole stack of SDS, SFR and SAA piling up on my table liao. What the hell! Force myself to reply all the outstanding email 1st then after lunch, have to review all the drawing and sign my life and death again. Skipped today workshop meeting, no major issue is haunting me so I can’t be bothered to attend. In order to remind myself, I purposely stick a note on the phone to remind myself of “Do not answer the phone”. Had talked to boss, I’m be “on leave till the 5th January” by left, but by right I’ll be station in office whole week to clear all the outstanding things. Told her the reason and she actually agreed and will go along with me to play the games. Hahaha… so no phone call for this few days…
Met up with Andy yesterday, we went to sakae sushi for late lunch at Science Center. Ages since I’ve been to Science Center. Great and filling lunch. Next we headed back for his house. Meet my twin babies sisters for the 2nd time. They were so cute and lovely. Big sister is called, ShiEn; Jenna and the younger is ShiYao, Shenna. Both were so adorable, they were crowding round me when we were having ice-cream.
Looking at them make me reflect back to memories of me and jiejie when hearing mummy talking about our olden days. I’m always the big bully. Jiejie will be so sweet and gentle munching her food while I’m the greedy one, finishing my food fast and ended up snatching jiejie’s food. Then she will be crying. It is actually happening to both my babies sisters now. But there is a twist in position, the elder one will be the bully and the younger will always be the one losing out. How nice to be babies, no worries and trouble!
Had invited them over during Chinese New Year, mummy and daddy will be so glad to see both of them.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
X'mas cum Birthday Present!
See my Birthday cum X'mas presents. Spend quite a bit on X'mas gifts. But i was really very happy this year. Received quite a lot of nice nice gifts.
Mummy cooked noodles with eggs and my favorite, big prawns for my birthday treat. Yummy, yummy. Helped myself to two bowls. Daddy and jiejie, jiefu gave me red packets as well. They even bought me a delicious chocolate cake. Cool! Althought fattening but i ate the cake.
After 12 will be the 29th. It's my birdday. One year older than last year liao. I'm not going to work or anywhere special. Going to stay at home this year. Too tired to go anywhere and not in the right mood as well. Had been going online to check the status but rather disappointing. It had not been process. Please make some progress and brightened up my day, pleaseeeee.
Ting Birthday Wishes for 2008
1. Health (myself and family - daddy, mummy, jiejie, jiefu, brother and the cute little one)
2. Education (Boy and myself)
3. Wealth (to all)
4. Work (smooth and sound)
Arch X'mas Party!
Had our 1st Arch Department X'mas party in office on X'mas eve. Everybody was in super high mood. I was hyper active as well. Going for my long long weekend. Great food and great humour. We were cracking stupid jokes all the way. Was not in any mood to work but too bad i still clear a meeting early in the morning. X"mas countdown stayed at home. Went aunty place and then dropped by sis's place for a surprise. Too tired, intended to watch late night movie 1 but mum insisted i stayed at home and rest. Coz i was looking like a panda. Maybe China can consider hiring me as a substitue for Ms. Panda. Hahaha.....
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Disappointed at site!
What a joke. Today meeting one sub-consultant brought up a big issue. How can things happen this way! They should be experience enough to know what to cater and what important things to take note of.
Went down to site again yesterday. Was very disappointed in the whole building structure. On plan, the building look so impressive and neat. But after another round of site walk, the whole structure look so tiny to me. I didn’t have the impressive of “Wow”! Such a disappointment. It can be consider as a small project but then why must all parties make it a big hoha out of nothing.
Starting from now, my life is going to be upside down till Chinese new year is over. Super super buzi plus tiring. Buzi with work, my august preparation and helping out at home. That’s life I guess. At least more fulfilling, time passes very quickly. Although often not enough sleep but still got the time and energy to watch late night movie. Wanted to go watch “Twilight”. Maybe going to watch mid night show tomolo. See how then decide.
Monday, December 22, 2008
X'mas Shopping Spree
Was walking the whole of Orchard Road till my leg nearly broke. Fine it so hard to do shopping for others. Got a whole lot of shopping list today. But still i somehow manage to clear all my shopping list. So tired now!
Friday, December 19, 2008
X'mas lunch buffet at PB
We had our very own x’mas buffet lunch at the lobby again. This year it is better, the buffet was catered at both level 4 and level 5. When we were having our x’mas lunch, the people at 5th floor were singing x’mas carol and broadcasting all over the areas using loud speaker. So funny. We were laughing all the way. The food was not bad, but I still prefer the log cake I had last year. So nice and tasty, full of chocolate bite. In return, we had few additional dishes, turkey, ham, tomota prawns. Wondering if next year will I still be having my x’mas buffet lunch in PB spore?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Headache! Headache! Headache!
Went I step in office, as usual whole stack of SDS, SFR, SAA waiting for me to be approved. Shitty work again. Have to review all the drawing and submission 1 by 1 be4 signing my name on the life and death document.
Wat really piss me off was that idiot, stupid, brainless KTP. He send the wrong instruction out. Had been going thru the instruction so many times and he had been asking me so many times as well. Finally the instruction went out yesterday in the evening, but the quantities was key WRONGLY. I was so mad at him. Called him up immediately and wrote a mail to all parties to high-light his mistake. Wat the F*** was he doing. My headache is already killing me and he was like adding “spices” to my life now. Wat’s the hell problem does he have and wat actually was wrong with him. Was not in good mood since morning at all. Just need a break and please someone just get him out of my sight!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Messy Life!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tired Saturday, coz of the late night movie session lar
The show started at 1.20am, AMK Hub. Been realli quite a while that i went for super late night show liao. "The Day The Earth Stood Still!" Not a bad movie, as usual. The leading actor is so cool, handsome, attrative, ....... Keanu Reeves. Well after the movie, didnt went home straight, we went for our milo session, only reach home at about 4am in real early morning. Even the people in the market was active liao. Not a bad idea to have a late night movie sometimes, at least life is not so boring.
Finally, Today, This morning, I've offically send out all the documents by courier. I was given two choices, take the cheaper 1 and they will reach in 8 working days. The more expensive one will take 3 working days but cost is like 10 times more. Well, in order to avoid the X'mas crowd i chose for the 3 working days option. Althought the cost is more expensive, i didnt mind investing my $$$ in. Hopefully, all the process will go well and i'll be inform in late April of the end results. Putting my palm together to pray real hard now.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Site Adventure!

At least cover myself for sure.
Cut my hair short again. No major happening lar. Just feel like having short hair again. Why must everybody keep asking me did something happen! The only reasoning I had was “Easy to tidy and neat as well, no time to go take care of my hair so I’ll just let it go lar”.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Rashes! So itchy!!!
Enough out the fun I had on weekend liao. Both Friday and Sunday really enjoyed myself on the parties and bbq. Now it’s time to get serious and back to work again. This two weeks is going to be very buzy for me as had to clear my work before I’m going for my super long leave on the 24th.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Long weekend + X'mas party tonite!
Same things I dun like to teach twice. It’s up to you whether you did put in effort to learn a not. Not only will you trouble others and also making others look at you on a different angle.
Finally! Yes, finally! My RCP issue was fully submitted. Wat left was to be signed off by all consultants. After two weeks of hard work and late nights, all was over. For the remaining days till x’mas season, I’ll need to clear all my outstanding items as I’m going for my super long leave. Ganna reminder letter frm susan, I had to clear at least two days of leave by this month if not they will be forfeited. Rules is only allow to bring forward 10 days of leave per annual. So next year, I can dun go work for a least a month liao lor if all my leave is accumulated. Hahahaha……….
Monday, December 1, 2008
Lost my temper!
Piss off lar!
But still my mood was slightly better than yesterday. Lost my temper at home yesterday. Was really super mad. I tot I had made it so clear to everybody at home. Why must keep on mentioning him and link our name together. Should have stop all these stupid and meaningless linking! Don’t like it at all! Not in any single mood to get into any relationship, no time at all. So stop bothering me with such idiotic matter lar! just leave me alone, I very contented with what I’m doing and what I have now k!
Going down to meet Julie tomolo straight after work, no delay. My letter is still in her hand. Once got it, then all the documents I required would be almost 80% completed. Currently still working on my portion. Once ready will be 100% done and ready to be courier out. Hahaha…………………
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sick, having headache now!
Tomolo will be another super busy day again.
2.00pm – OT meeting
3.00pm – Interior show suite meeting
4.30pm – Show suite lift lobby meeting
Got my earli x’mas gift today. Got a new Kenzo perfume. Cool! At least something to be happy about.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Buck up, Pal!
At least AC passed me two letters, so glad and delighted. Finally got somethings that can cheer me up liao. Still waiting for Julie turn. Once I received hers, I can go according to my plan.
Just came back from lunch as usual, supplier treat. Had to bother him to do some work for me and yet he still treating me for lunch. We went over to liang seah street for lunch and dessert. Super full now.
Buzy week. Tomolo got a whole day seminar to attend at Shangri-la hotel, Wednesday whole say at OT meeting, Thursday arranging for two meeting at office plus I still have to move my “house”. My table is full of documents, how and where am I going to start with.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
"Great" Day today
Earli in the morning, went down to OT office for whole day meeting. But in between, i had to sneak out to go other meeting as well. All this happened at orchard. Luckily it's just walking distance.
9am - 11am: Stuck at OT office for L4 RCP discussion
11am to 12pm: went down to construction site for sculpture site visit. PS: the 1st time i was in full gear and walking along Orchard Road (vest, helmet, boots and safely belt, finally got my personal set of gear)
1.30-2pm: main con office to look for Dennis. Need his help for some drawing
2pm to 4.30pm: RCP discussion. (Damn it, keep forcing me to commit my lighting)
4.30pm to walk thru with SY. (Screw up, everybody was scolded upside down by SY. All because of Lawrence stupid mouth)
Tomolo is going to be a super buzi day for me again. Promise to send out the lighting plan of event plaza for sclupture lighting by morning and in the afternoon go tanother round of site visit. This time round it will be more peaceful as i'm going to inspect with my supplier on the lighting mock-up done on site.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Last day for my Battle Preparation
Went to Goodwood Park hotel for porridge buffet lunch yesterday. Tasty yummy! As usual, treat from the supplier. How to lost weight like this? Gaining weight so much for this few months. Every week got free meal to eat.
Had to buck up today. Got to prepare for my fighting document on battle for tomolo. Got a walk thru with the tyrant, SY tomolo afternoon. Yet, my whole morning got workshop to attend to. Today is my final day sew my armour liao. Buck up Ger!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Whoo Hoooooo!
We are shifting location. Had to settle down at the new location by 1st December. Same level just shift to different location. From one end to the others. Sucks!! Got plenty of packing and clearing to do. Need to archive a lot of my document. Had to blank out a day to start going through all the documents for archive.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Went on a movie session with my sibling. Initalli i was not interested in joining them for the getaway but .. changed my mind last minute. I didnt want to stay alone at home and most of all, i wanted to get my long thinking gadget also at suntec lar.
Had fulfill my wish liao. Cost me S$500.00 in total. Bit heart pain but well, worth it lar. Just treat it as my earli birthday present lar.
Tomolo going to celebrate mummy birthday at Novena... Cool! IT's the NG famili outing/gathering day!
Friday, November 7, 2008
New Games at home
Buzi schedule starting next Monday and thru out till July I guess. Time will be super packed for me…. Have to plan my time table all over again. Sori folks, outing or gathering or dating or clubbing or kopi-session will be minimize again.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Best and Worst happen in a day!
Was at OT meeting early in the morning as usual. Was feeling so hungry then, by the time I went back office was already 12 noon. Great news, at least I can have my lunch very soon after finish arranging my documents. Nat suggest going for the famous Bak Kut Teh, i got no objection so off we went. Stupid me, i dun feel like eating their famous dish so i ordered Mutton Soup. Yuck! The worst mutton soup i ever had in life. The taste was totally off and the meat taste yuck. The yucky lunch cost me $6.00 still. Mutton soup should have the herby tasty and the meat should be tender but the 1 i had for lunch was totally opposite. The soup got no herby taste except for a very very bitter and weird taste, so i did not even touch the soup at all. Only force myself to swallow down the meat and the rice. Worst lunch in my life i ever recalled.
Well, at least it compensate me with the best things after work. Saw Pei on msn, very bluntly requested him to send me something. OMG, he agreed immediately. Such a nice chap. The moment i saw his reply, i was smiling to myself. My day finalli bright up. Even Cydle noticed that i was smiling to myself and sms me in the office. Yippy, hopefulli can rely on him for information at KTH. Wonderful............. looking so so so forward to his email now.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Theory of love!
Didnt mean to hurt anybody, but it's better to let go then cling on and continue hurting yourself.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Lovely Friday NiteOut!
Went for Japan curry rice and later KTV. We both realli can sing man! For couple of hours. Been quite some time since i went KTV.
Realli enjoyed my nite-out. :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Rainy Day!
Counting down to December liao and yet I still got a number of things undone. Jia you bah!
Nooooooooo………. Please stay away from me. Keep a distance of at least 3m. I don’t like flowers, teddy bear and chocolate at all. Grhhh…………
Monday, October 20, 2008
Full FOrce at work today!
Got dinner date this coming thursday. Been quite few years since we last met. Wonderign how xiaoge look like now. Guess we both change quite a lot.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
immune system down again!
Was drag into meeting at OT whole day. Morning from 10am i was in their office, till 7++pm then left. But worth it. Finalli, realli finalli, more than 60% of the sample submitted was sign off. This issue had been dragging for months. TOday, with the help of "R", everything was settle. That means i had to clear my report and tabulation. More work to be done. But worth it after all.
lunch time, the PM ordered japanese food. I never try Isetan Jap food before. But today, i really was in no mood to eat strong food so i actually wanted to go foodcourt to had some porridge 1. CY came in the afternoon and we again went out for lunch. We went to "East Ocean Teochew Restaurant". 1st timer! the food was realli nice, as usual he ordered all the nice nice and expensive food. The specialty dish was scallop. We eat had one full scallop. So nice, yummy.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Get Well Soon!
Received bad news yesterday, Han jiejie was hospitalized. Heard from mum that she will be back in spore this month to attend a fren wedding. But the moment she landed back in spore. She went straight to hospital, very serious case. Was in ICU for days. Luckily now she was recovering slowly. Praying real hard for jiejie to get on her feet again. Salute her! On the 24th, she will be flying back to Japan again. Going to visit her tonight.
Was testing out Mum yesterday during our normal converstaion, jiejie went alone to Japan to pursue her studies and she came back very sick, making everybody so worried. What if I’m really leaving next year. Will she really let me go… hehehe…. Thanks god. Her reaction was pretty cool. I’m old enough to take care of myself and I’m stronger.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Temper Control!
Early in the morning, i was doing my own work. Mum ask boy to go buy bread but he seem so engross in playing his games that he insist he dont want to buy. What's the big deal of playing games. Can't seem to understand him at all. Everytime when he book out, he does nothing except playing games or watching TV. So useless in certain way, wasting his time off just like that.
Just now, i was so full that i dont want ot go for dinner. Well, dad n mum insist i should tag along. Fine, i went with them. We waited so long for that stupid food to be served. Wasted for more than 30 minutes just for that two stupid dishes to be served. Why am i wasting my time off like that. Can't stand people who are so slow n action. Making my blood boils only.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday... life as usual
Tomolo is public holiday, I didn’t even realize until Mum told me. So blur…. Now everything going too fast. Too buzi to take note of things here and there. “E” called me earlier on, asking me if I wanted to go China for factory visit, the duration will be for around a week or two. It will be really, super cold at ShangHai during December. Was wondering is the cost under myself? If it is then I’ll have to give it serious though. Currently planning to go for my study next year if my application went on smoothly so I’ll have to go on real tight budget, I can’t spend much. Will see again then, maybe AC won’t even let me go on long holiday.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Late at Work!
Now it’s time to prepare all my document for KTH. Heard it quite hard to get it. Every year it’s intake is only 30pax to all nation. Guess it will be an even busier days down the road for me now. Beside KTH and work, I’m not going to diverse my thoughts. Pray Hard for me then!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Use the wrong phrases, ended up making stupid jokes.
The secretary’s father pass away, they were collecting the $$ to go down tonite. I’m not joining of course as usual. Not used to go wake at all. Uncle Jimmy came looking for me, he wants to chip in $$ as well. Fine! I called BJ this morning and said, “when you are collecting the $$$ for the wake, Uncle Jimmy also wanted a share.” I didn’t realize I phrase it the wrong way until BJ came over and laugh at the joke. OMG, I didn’t mean it lar…. sorri… didn’t mean to curse anione.
Friday, September 12, 2008
潘玮柏 - 转机
你每次伤心 我每次缺席
Friday Night
Afternoon went over to Park Royal Hotel for lunch. We didnt go for the buffet instead we went to the chinese restaurant. Damn shiok. Had Buddha Jump over the wall. Real cool but very XXX. Tried the chill with chill chicken cube. Nice when biting in the mouth but after you swallow, the whole mouth is burning. Different kind of taste feeling i would say. Never tried before 1.
It’s Friday time!
Later meeting CY for lunch. Asking AC to join as well. Shit, buffet again! This time round the venue is at Park Hotel. The last time I ate there was like a month ago, I was not feeling well then so didn’t enjoy the buffet but this time round. Hahaha……….. it a different story. I’m going to try the dessert and fried food. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!
Rita had reach Germany, her German course had started. Cool! See how then decide whether I’m going or not then.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
猜不透 - 丁当
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
No TV show tonite!
"Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has advised Singaporeans who do not have a pressing need to travel to Bangkok to postpone their travel plans to a later date."
Luckily this declaration of a state of emergency in the Thai capital happen this morning. I was still in BKK just two days ago. Lucky me. At least it didnt affect my mood or so for my short holiday.
For three whole days, i won't be in the office again. Tomorrow whole day will be going to OT meeting. Then on Thurs and Fri, i'll be going on courses again. Same old place and same lecturer i guess. So screw up!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Finally back in S'pore
Been shopping, eating, shopping and eating throughout. Bought back a lot of things and memories. There are a few tiny, miny bad encounter there but overall the trip went smoothly.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Gastric pain is killing me!
Last week down with soar throat and fever then now my gastric is giving me problem again. Been to the doc yesterday again, the pain had been going on since last Friday. The doc said this pain will have to last me for a few more days. Shit, you must I suffer before going for my holiday. I've not even packed yet, guess it will be a last minute thing again.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sick weekend
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Body aching and having headache now!!!
Have been trained by CY to drink coffee liao lar. Every meeting he sure treat ice coffee 1. Too much is not good for me now. Too stress up by the dateline. Haizz… wat to do. Given my words so die die have to get everything done. Later going down to site again. This site is rather troublesome for me. It’s located at senoko.. so so so far away. But I made the supplier to pick me up at office, later force him to send me home or to nearby mrt also. The site visit going to start only at ard 6pm+++ wonder what time will end. I’m so tired. I want to go home and rest lar.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Idiotic Main Contractor!!!!!
Mood damn suck today. Yesterday was called down to meeting suddenly. Fine! Even went back to the office after working hours just to resolve all their issues. What the fucking hell did the main con want. Realli was so mad and felt so miserable. It was said to be a solving session. And yet, the main con was just using this whole workshop to hit back at every consultant just because the owner wanted to cut their fee. Wat a stupid way to work. I did my best to help them resolve and yet they are being so nasty to me during this morning meeting. If I didn’t want to resolve their issue why the fuck did I went back office and meet up with the supplier to come out with workable solution. It didn’t help any of us by working this way. Wanted so much to cry during the meeting but I hold back. Was really so mad. After the issue was finalli solve then they brought up the issue that the edge detail was outdated and we should have follow their shop drawing. When I asked them for their shop drawing they cant even produce. I was really hopping mad. The detail was incorrect they should have point out before asking me for my detailing. Our lighting was the minor issue; they should point out the edge issue 1st before asking for my lighting issue. If the edge issue was not settled then how is our lighting going to be mounted. What the fuck are they trying to do!!! It was really wasting my time at the meeting. After lunch I totally had no issue and yet they insist there is and made me stay and sit there throughout to watch them playing their idiotic political games.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Heavy meal !!!

Had a super heavy lunch and dinner today. Now is consider today alreadi. 1.31am, Friday. So my lunch and dinner is suppose to be yesterday.
Had a buffet lunch at Carlton Hotel, it's a farewell lunch for "senior" as he is leaving for better prospect. Whether it is better prospect or not nobodi noes. Hope the best for him then.
Got a call from OTD this late afternoon. They wanted me to be present for the workshop immediately. Out of nowhere, i had to rush down to the office with all my unprepared documents to be targetted by them. I was so lost of what they are discussing. Luckily they accepted my excuse of going back to office after the meeting to solve all issue. Panicking for the whole of the meeting, i was never so terrified to attend their meeting before. This meeting was a real nightmare. Somehow managed to get CY to come down to office to help me. But the time i was back it office was already 6++ and both of us started resolving all the issue. Finalli all the issue was solved and emailed out by 9+++pm. Both hungry and tired. He drove me all the way to Clark quay to have our dinner or rather supper. Heavy meal again. Just the two of us we ate $149.56. I paid for the bill without letting him noe in advance. Somehow felt that i owe him this meal. Having to drag him into the mess to solve all the issue for me. Aniway, the money was well spend. In future, i still need his guidance and help if i wan go smoothly and peacefully in this bloody hell project. Come to think of it in another point, it might not be a bad issue to get involved in such a completed, messy, disorganized and reverse project as my first experience. It a good learning process and stepping stone.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
蔡依林 - 一个人
Good song with nice lyrics.
蔡依林 - 一个人
Monday, August 4, 2008
Monday again!
Went to Serangoon National Day dinner last night. Didn’t enjoy the dishes, but the performance was not bad except for the “magical” part. Seem so boring. A total of 200 tables but from my conclusion not all table are seated a total of 10 pax. There was only about 75% full. So boring dinner.
Boy bought his dream PSP on sat. Mum, Jie and me all contributed to his new toy. He bought it without telling mama and I still have to help his cover 1st. hahahaha……… stupid boy boy. The whole famili ( except daddy) went watching “The Mummy” on sat night. Great and enjoyable show. Mummy really enjoy the show so much. Sitting beside her, you can hear her laughter. Like two scene, it really make me laugh. The cow vomited on the plane and the skeleton skull being knock down and yet keep on apologizing. So fun and cute. Not a bad idea to have a family movie session once in a blue mood. Quite relaxing and fun. Looking forward to the next movie session.
Friday, August 1, 2008
3 days workshop!
Really went through a long and stormy day yesterday and this morning. Luckily manage to find excuses for myself to sneak out of the workshop. Both mentally and physically dehydrated. Luckily it is going to be weekend, I can have a break.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sleepy! Sleepy! And Sleepy!
Was given the envelope yesterday evening. Hahahahaha…………. Good news for me.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Bad library encounter at SK
Eyes have to support by toothpick.
Was complaining to my colleague early in the morning about the community library at SK. I went there to return and borrow some book on Sat. The attitude of the staff station at the counter was so rude and bad. I just want him to help me return one books manually as I wanted to borrow it again using a different card. Just a simple task and his answer was just No! No! You can’t do that. He actually ask me to drop the book into the return shelf and wait half a day for the book to go through the scanning and find the book again to re-borrow it. WHAT! Wait half a day or to pay to borrow the book using the same name. So stupid action! I explain to him that i just need him to help me return the books manually, yet in return I got such a bad attitude. I was so mad at the staff, I just reply in a very rude way and say forget it. I’m not going to borrow. In my opinion, isn’t the staff at the library suppose to be very helpful and well-mannered. I got so piss off at the attitude. Is this the proper service a counter staff should provide!
Friday, July 25, 2008
It's Friday!
I’ll just have to use a more open minded attitude towards it, hope the discussion will turnout to be as what I have expect.
Had been listening to 933 recently. They were broad casting 潘玮柏 latest song ‘转机’. Really a very nice song. From this album, you can really feel his effort, he did matured a lot on his singing. Great album to catch.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
幸福就好 <<棒棒堂>>
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday, Luck is on the way!

Just came back from my jog, still sweating so cant go and have a nice cool shower yet. Very relax today, something big happened. Didn't expect it to be so smooth, but it seem luck is on the way coming right at me. Now, it just depend on how i'm grabbing on to it. Two to choice and negotiate which is the best for me.
Was reading up on Bangkok recently, want to know more about this country as i'm going over for a shopping treat. Set aside a day to visit the places of interest and the other days for shopping. Hahaha.... Planning next year or the year after going over to Germany.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Grhhh... Bad Monday!

Not only the progress claim, now even my taxi claim also giving me problem. Say I didn’t clock in when I get back office after working hour, I can’t claim my fare. Wat stupid thing is this. Then I go tell client that I dun give you the information you need unless you are willing to pay for my return taxi fare if they required my input lar.
Lamn lor. All this while I got no problem with all this claim but today giving me so much problem. Think I very free ah. How to concentrate on doing my work like this. So many 有的没的!!!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My Saturday!!!
Just went Hock Hua with Mum. Spend few hundred buying those expensive stuff. The people working there must had loved us so much. It a usual practice, everything we went there sure to get hundred dollars stuff 1. Planning to take a nap in the afternoon but now i guess i can't get to sleep liao. While waiting for the grinding of the yangsheng to be ready, they served me two cups of drink. Now my sleepy worm are all gone. Grhhh..... nvm, at least i can take this afternoon chance to complete my work for next week.
"Sailormoon" was going to Bkk as well wor. Hahaha... but stupid moon. She was going on the 15 and i'm going on the 28. How are we suppose to meet there!
Am i so buzi, frens keep complaining that i got no time for them. I also dun noe wor, juz that recently i was re-doing my portfolio so hardly went out. Somemore super lazi coz no transport provided mah. Have to go back to my driving again liao, stop for so many months. License pass almost a year and half and yet i dare not go on main road. :P
Thursday, July 10, 2008
倔强系女声 - 丁当
猜不透 - 丁当
猜不透 你最近是好是坏 更沉默
猜不透 相处会比分开还寂寞
无法感受每次触摸 是真的 是热的
猜不透 相处会比分开还寂寞
无法感受每次触摸 是真的 是热的
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My latest "Issey Miyake” perfume
Monday, July 7, 2008
Blur weekend!
Haiz… Monday, back to work again.
Had a very interesting weekend. Interesting as in, I was in a blur blur mood throughout.
Went for a movie session, ‘Wanted” at late Saturday night. The show I booked was suppose to be at AMK 11.25pm but I think I was blur blur or like jiejie said, there was shit on the screen that resulted me booking the wrong place and wrong time. I went to book at Orchard 11.25pm. Jiefu even say the timing is too late, we dun watch the show lar. I was like being struck by thunder. Nooooooooo….. I’ve already paid through my card. It we dun watch the show, then I’m paying $40 buck for nothing. Luckily the people there allow me to change from Orchard to AMK to watch the movie, if not my $40 buck will really be gone with the wind. I was being teased at the whole night of Saturday. It was fun though! Next time, better not ask me but online. Not another teasing session.
Friday, July 4, 2008
It's Friday!!!
Very tired and sleepy. Was dreaming about myself, packing my luggage for the trip. Looking so forward to my holiday trip.
Finalli weekend is just a couple of hours away. Had plan out how am I going to fully use the time more effectively and efficiently. Few things on hand to clear and complete. Can’t drag anymore liao.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
<<不爱了>> 徐若瑄
不爱了 很难爱了
Holiday Hurray!
Was suppose to have our division internal meeting this morning, but AC got food poisioning.
Too bad, had to postpone. Some of us were gossiping that the meeting should be between onli AC and GJ.
It’s GJ that is giving all those unnecessary trb. We all know our work scope jolly well.
He is the old one that got serious problem what.
Haiz… being drag in for nothing.
Confirm going for my BKK trip in end of August.
Starting to plan now. It’s going to be free & easy.
Countdown to August.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Confirm going for my short vacation liao. Money paid and now I just need to plan my route and saving up. Can’t wait for that day to arrived soon.
I’m going on Holiday soon.
Friday, June 27, 2008
你看得见吗 - 钟欣桐
<<你看得见吗>> 钟欣桐
Thursday CPO meeting
Finalli went jogging again last night. After being lazi for about 3 month I guess, mama say I gain weight again. So must go exercising again. Have to maintains lar.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Brainless consultant!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Unhealthy for this week!

Saturday – Buffet at JieJie house.
Sunday – Father’s Day, had dinner at New York New York.
Not enough sleep, was haunted by OT almost everi nite. Now CY become a frequent face in my dream.
Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare!
Later going for OT meeting again. The issue to discuss was veri stressful. A lot of new areas and additional costing to discuss. Had already summaries a list of 11 new items to be discuss for the whole of afternoon. God help me!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Saturday - My movie Sessions
Loved my satuday for last week. Althought very tiring but I enjoyed my two movies session. Watched Narnia and KungFu Panda. I liked both the shows. Onli managed to reached home at 3am in the morning. Been do long since I was out relaxing, now everyday it about work, work and work!
Am I digging grave for myself. I tot I’ve hint him already. But why can’t he just get the fact right. I dun want to be so mean to him but ……….. confusing. Now, I’ve become the laughing stock to everyone in the family liao.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Bad Bad week.
Had to attend two meeting in the afternoon. BMS and DC presentation. BMS was still fine but many homework to be done. Guess my whole week will be 101% burnt. When it come to DC presentation, the time was already 6pm. So late and my items will only start at ard 7pm. I was in a rush and yet they keep dragging my time. This time rd, AC was not by my side, I had to present to SY by myself. I was really terrified and I think CK knew that I was pretty freak-out. Good news is, I did my work and SY did not had much issue on and I boarded the land safely.
But still my day ended quite late, thanks to the dragging of presentation.
Bad night to end with yesterday. Work till midnite and I took a cab home. I met a idiot, freaky, stupid, weird taxi-driver. He keep telling me that the previous passenger drop a camera on his cab and want me to help him search the back seat. Fine, I did help him look ard and found nothing. Then his “pattern” came out liao, he actually stop his cab in the middle of the road, right in the middle of three lanes and got down to open the back door and look for the camera. I got a shock, how could he do this. My face turn black and stare at him. Then he went back to carry on driving the car. He made a lot of nuisance on the trip to my venue. The most tao yan taxi-driver I had ever met.
PS: was invited to go HK and Macau for a four days three night tour. All expenses will be FOC. Considering if i should go or not.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Smooth and lovely Thursday!
Attended CPO meeting just now, a lot of “unidentified flying issue” to resolved. Goodness! Lucky most of the consultant sided me and helped me a lot just now. If not, I’ll be skinned alive by Oase. Really eye opening for me. Catwomen fighting just now, non of us dared to open our mouth. We just stood there silently and watched the argument. Oase was being very nasty, she tried to push all the work scope to us. This issue was going on since being of the year and I thought they had a meeting with the owner and it was resolved. How can they tried to throw their work scope to us again. Really a blessing, the owner representative spoke up for me and that how they ended quarrelling. So, my luck for today was pretty good yah.
Actualli was going to take leave tomolo, I wanted to accompany Mum to check-up at TTS. But last minute they are having a meeting at 2pm at OTD office. No choice, had to attend the meeting as I was the onli one that noe the work. So I can onli be with mum the morning then go meeting in the afternoon.
Have to stay back in office now to clear all the issue as I promised to the owner. Working hard now! 加油! 加油! 加油!
Friday, May 23, 2008
温岚 - 傻瓜
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Save the earth!
Even the tender was awarded, there is still so many changes and grey areas. Now a new interior design had come aboard. All the layout is going to change again. How many times must I redo my work, again and again? Repeating the same process every day.
Just heard a rumour that my senior is leaving the company. Since two weeks ago, I’ve been seeing him going into our director office. I thought the issue was regarding the nasty email flying ard but it turn out to be he is quitting. I don’t know how true this rumour is but from my boss attitude, it seem to be pretty confirm. OMG! If senior is leaving then that faked “senior” is going to take over certain projects, our life will be damn miserable. Both rita and I totally agreed we simply can’t work with that faked “senior”. God, please help!
The few of us just had a short conversation. There is a psycho in our department. He had been taking photos of the girls and emailing to them during end of the day. Personally, on his 1st day of work I dun have a good impression of him. He was sitting in front of me so whatever small little action he did was taken into account. I didn’t expect him to be so psycho at all. Better keep a distance from him then.