I had Taiwan style: 炸鸡扒炒饭 from concourse lor. Anyway the concourse shopping mall is tearing down by end of this month, so no more victims. I’ve self healing power without visiting any GP but Sid is still on mc today. Poor Sid. From my office colleague and my own point of view, Melvyn is super “刀”. Even in early morning you greet him he treat you as transparent, so I’ll totally ignore him as well unless he come and ask me things. Bad colleague, right! Haiz but the rest of my colleague are opposite, they are super “好玩”. The relationship in my department are “错综复杂”, Boss is Sid big wife, then I’m Sid’s mistress and now Rita adding in as the third mistresses, Boss is going after Gabriel to make Sid jealous, then Sid is always using 斩千刀to make me angry ( but too bad, it doesn’t work on me anymore)….blar blar blar….. the conversation we had in the office is super funny. The way I talk even makes Sid blush, he cant tahan me sometimes. Admit I was being rather naughty as well lar.
The training I’m attending is onig to be very useful but after Chinese new year I’m planning to self upgrading myself as well. See how it goes bah. Have to plan everything carefully. I’m so full now had Little Wok Noodle. I didn’t had this dish for so long liao. Now I’m feeling so sleepy but my work load is piling up again. Just becoz of an email then a phone call, the rest of the day I’ve to start doing calculation again. The hito topic in our industry is the opening of Ion Orchard MRT North Entrance, and next is the opening of South Entrance. The feeling is really great to see something you had work so hard for to be right in front of your eyes. It's the kind of satisfaction, “满足感” that really counts. The contractors just called and pre-warn us to be prepared for the war at CPO meeting tomorrow. They are going to demand all the info we had. The plan just arrived and I’m left with half a day to prepare all the document and layout. No big concern for me as I am confident of getting the information they wan before going home today.
PS: Of course MC can be “pre-plan” before hand. Just make sure you don’t create any trouble to your colleagues and all the work are done before the day can liao. Only in my own theory lar. Hehehe…..
The training I’m attending is onig to be very useful but after Chinese new year I’m planning to self upgrading myself as well. See how it goes bah. Have to plan everything carefully. I’m so full now had Little Wok Noodle. I didn’t had this dish for so long liao. Now I’m feeling so sleepy but my work load is piling up again. Just becoz of an email then a phone call, the rest of the day I’ve to start doing calculation again. The hito topic in our industry is the opening of Ion Orchard MRT North Entrance, and next is the opening of South Entrance. The feeling is really great to see something you had work so hard for to be right in front of your eyes. It's the kind of satisfaction, “满足感” that really counts. The contractors just called and pre-warn us to be prepared for the war at CPO meeting tomorrow. They are going to demand all the info we had. The plan just arrived and I’m left with half a day to prepare all the document and layout. No big concern for me as I am confident of getting the information they wan before going home today.
PS: Of course MC can be “pre-plan” before hand. Just make sure you don’t create any trouble to your colleagues and all the work are done before the day can liao. Only in my own theory lar. Hehehe…..
1 comment:
Self-healing........................how come i'm getting the weird vibes n the image of lizard came to mind (~_~").
Hmmmz.......isnt dao supposingly to be dialect. How come can become chinese de? Some ppl r inertly shy by nature i guess. Its easy to be mistaken 1 for another. Been there myself b4 where my frens told me tat they initially tot i was dao becos of my bo chupness. But i was just shy mah (T_T), like tat oso my fault meh (>_<).
The 炸鸡扒炒饭 sounds appealing n catchy, maybe u r just unlucky bah. Great to hav the right environment n colleagues which will make work abit more pleasant than its suppose to be. Grouchy environment is very demotivating.
Hmmmz, u being mistress mah, then technically u shld hav some sort of household expense from him, ask for the lion share cos mistress always get more than the main wife.(^_^)
Ok, u lost me at the 斩千刀 part. Wat was it suppose to mean?? I tried english, chinese, n dialect but none of it makes sense.
The satisfaction of seeing ur work unfold b4 ur very eyes is not something money can buy. Wait till its completed n u will be overjoy on it. It just makes all the hard work seems worthwhile.
MC all along for me has been anything but planned..............Ok i just lied. I did planned my mcs when i was in sec but tat was becos i really hated attending a particular subject/lesson, the teacher dont like me anyway so its no biggie. But after sec, every mc onwards is due to unplanned factors such as sickness or just becos i'm super duper late.
Good to see tat u enjoy working so much.
Cheerios ^_^
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