Thursday, January 31, 2008
My evening gone!
The 1st time I saw myself like a nerd. I was wearing rather formal and carrying a big ugly bagsack with my handbag down orchard to take a cab. Oh God………….
Was having slight headache again. The taxi uncle was like grumbling all the way, complaining about ERP, cab booking, oil prices… I hardly want to entertain him so I just continue eating my fries. Come to think of it, it a blessing I didn’t ask him to shut up.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Super Woman for today!
Headache! Went to 3 meeting this afternoon, all in a rush. After lunch went down for site inspection to approve the light fitting. Made CCK waited for me coz I was late due to heavy rain. So stupid again, I was wearing white top, skirt and heels. But considered quite lucky already as I didn’t have to go down to the open space, I was only made to go behind the construction which was dry and the tiling was consider flat. But as I was discussing the detail with CCK, I trip over some metal bar. Luckily I didn’t fall flat in front of CCK or else so malu. He got a shock as well. God must have blessed me then. The discussion with him was fast, less then half an hour and I was done. Went strolling at Orchard as I didn’t feel like going back office yet. Walk all the way down to Centerpoint to took a cab. Not bad, still can eat snake. But….the moment I reached office, I was drag in to continuous meeting. In the first place, I didn’t even know the meeting exist.
Luckily I as dragged into the meeting as I learn a lot. I didn’t expected the meeting to be so ………… interesting. Fiber Optics……… learn many new spec and knowledge of this new type of fittings. Being to loved my job day by day…..
Monday, January 28, 2008
张韶涵 - 失忆
释放 在这事件中不算惩罚
Monday - Power level 101%
Saw my mailbox this morning. “Please clear your mail”. God, just a weekend and my mailbox is flooded with … OT project corr. As usual, the same procedure to go through every week. Working level is 101% today, have to clear all the left over work since i'm in the right mood today.
Sid send me an email min ago. So cute, 大便便的面包. Anyone wants to try, i can bake it for free. Wahahaha............. :P
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Super Super Buzi Wednesday
The whole week, every single day I got to attend meeting. Monday to Friday… not a day is spared for me. Five days of meeting, juggling between two totally different projects. Head is getting bigger and bigger. After meeting, the result will always be surprising. More work to be done, more changes in design or request for more information or details. Going to faint soon liao!!! Every morning, the 1st time I will do is to summaries the list of work scope I have to complete before other consultants come pestering me at the back. Oh God, can I have a magic wand to make them disappear for a day or two so that I can clear my work before new works come adding in.
Yippy, looking very forward to 5.30pm. My date on Friday had been push forward to this evening. I’m going to Chinatown tonite. So happy.
I’m going to Chinatown.. town…town
How about you.. you.. you..
You can come too.. too. too.
I’m going to Chinatown.. town.. town….
Sucks! Just received a phone call. Got crash meeting this afternoon. 2pm at OT office and 2.30pm at OUH site. OMG! Have to stop blogging liao. Ganna prepared for this afternoon meeting. How am I going to spilt myself into half………………………… Grhhhhhhhhh…………………
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday Blues works on me now
The discussion in the morning didn’t went well at all. The stupid architects did not prepare the material I wanted. Sucks. And now I’m stuck nowhere. By this evening I had to send out the detail of our lighting plan to the M&E side for power compilation and here they are dragging my work status. Damn it. Things didn’t go well
Was being very naughty at work lately. Maybe becoz of the stress and pressure I got from many parties. So I have to find things or ways to relax. So my relaxing method was through Sid. Using the photos taken at D&D, I edited Sid’s head to a fat woman body who was standing beside my “一见忠情”. They got couple face wor. I added blusher and a big pair of earring to Sid face. Can’t help laughing out loud. I even email to the rest of our lighting member. It created a small havoc at our department as we were al laughing at the pics I edited. My boss loved the pics so much that she printed in full A4 size colour. Realli super funny. Sori Sid, you will be the joke of the week. Anyway you njoy it as well lar.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Woke up pretti earli today. Went downstair to help out as usual. That’s how I spent my weekend. Fully packed. Hardly have much time of my own and time to rest. Two more weekend to go then I’ll be free. Looking forward to this year Chinese New Year. A good beginning and a good start for me.
Planning to go down
Just finish reading up the material for tomorrow discussion meeting. I’ll be going alone to BNY office. This is the 1st time I’m facing this bunch of architects. Been warned by my boss that there is this particular architect I have to take note of - Elliot. Dun have to give him face at all, coz he dun deserve it and he is the one that is always messing up the work. Noted strongly! Meet him at him CPO meeting last Thursday, so he is Elliot, seem to be Chinese ABC. Let’s see how I shall handled them tomorrow then. Can sleep for at least an hour more as I’m going straight to their office in the morning. Next is to OT site. Got some boo-boo to handle on site. Photography time again. Just went through my list of meeting date, gosh…
Monday – OT discussion and site
Tuesday – OUH
Wednesday – OUH
Thursday – OT (CPO)
Friday – no plan coming up yet
Another busy week for me again.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
侧田 - 路人甲
没人倾诉 我只好装酷
是自己的失误 还是他人介入
晴朗天空 顿时乌云密佈
心里有数 要自我保护
越陷越深 我执迷不悟
是自己不让步 或是自愿盲目
这把赌注 让快乐从此落幕
出局的红卡此时 只能装聋作哑若
板淡然一句 做朋友吧
把我的心 敲碎了
那一剎 不是没有耐力和毅力
重新寻找 生命里
最大意义 说服我自己
出局的红卡此时 只能装聋作哑若
做朋友吧把我的心 敲碎了 敲碎了
Respnd back to 路人甲
Query No 1.
As for the “刀” part, if he is consider shy then I’ll chop off my head. He is super duper “刀”, recognize by my entire department colleague. Even if shy when people greet you “Gd morning” you should at least smile back and respond…..and not just tilt your head higher and walk away. So rude and ill-mannered. A real MCP. Overall on the whole I would just comment that he is just scared that we might steal his lime light in front of the big boss. So he have been acting as if he is the senior staff here… so the nick for him is “Senior” – like real.
Query No 2.
The person whose nick is “斩千刀” is a big secret between me and Sid. It a nick we give this particular person becoz this person fit in the name perfectly. No reveal of who this person is that all. Anyway, we often make fun of this nick and person if we are boring staring at the PC for too long.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Wednesday - Tiring and Sleepy Mood

The training I’m attending is onig to be very useful but after Chinese new year I’m planning to self upgrading myself as well. See how it goes bah. Have to plan everything carefully. I’m so full now had Little Wok Noodle. I didn’t had this dish for so long liao. Now I’m feeling so sleepy but my work load is piling up again. Just becoz of an email then a phone call, the rest of the day I’ve to start doing calculation again. The hito topic in our industry is the opening of Ion Orchard MRT North Entrance, and next is the opening of South Entrance. The feeling is really great to see something you had work so hard for to be right in front of your eyes. It's the kind of satisfaction, “满足感” that really counts. The contractors just called and pre-warn us to be prepared for the war at CPO meeting tomorrow. They are going to demand all the info we had. The plan just arrived and I’m left with half a day to prepare all the document and layout. No big concern for me as I am confident of getting the information they wan before going home today.
PS: Of course MC can be “pre-plan” before hand. Just make sure you don’t create any trouble to your colleagues and all the work are done before the day can liao. Only in my own theory lar. Hehehe…..
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tuesday - Stomach Upset Day
Stomach wasn’t feeling very good since yesterday. And Sid got food poisoning. The conclusion was: both of us eat the same stall and same dishes so we both ganna the food poisoning. I gave him half of my food, so he ate more then what he is suppose to eat thus his case is much serious cause. At most I only ran to toilet couple of time in the middle of the night and that it
Monday, January 14, 2008
不能跟情人说的话 - 范玮琪/刘若英
有时候对一个人 那么用心
却还是搞不清楚 她的落寞
装没事 装忘记 装相信
有时候和一个人 那么尽力
却还是忍不住想 保护自己
留防备 留回忆 留心情
让我释放 然后慢慢宽广
Alvin and The ChipMunks

Today is the official opening of the North underpass in Orchard MRT station. In a few weeks time it will be the South Entrance. Time passes so fast, by end of this year the entire retail building will be all ready. Looking so forward to it.
Was listening to the Chipmunks CD now, didn’t see the movie. Some of the soundtrack was quite cute, as in singing in chipmunk’s voice. This CD is a mixture of retro, jazz, techno….oldies.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Thursday! Good or Bad day to me?
And now I have to finish all the work that was brief down yesterday in an hour or two. But my hand are all tied up, I cant process with any of the work passed down yesterday as the working plan had not been send over yet. I cant do based on two JPEG, the dimension are all incorrect. No annotation, no grid, no text, no indication, how to get the work done. So I decided to be rather mean, email to the architect and cc to the owner to request for the file urgently. If they cant give me on time, I’ll print out the send email to bark at them for later meeting. Hmmm… guess today will be another busy day for me. Got a summary list of all the work I intend to complete.
“二姐, 你让我好感动”that what my bro say to me yesterday. The two of us were just joking but it was sweet. The incident came about yesterday at late night. After helping mum, I went upstairs to bath then I saw a coconut on the table and bro was clearing up the drying clothes. Then I told him since I haven’t bath I help him cut the coconut then he can clear to clothes. We split the job up and we can rest earlier. Then suddenly he said he was very touched. Initially I got a shock and reply him back, “恶心的大便, 我的毛都站起来了啦”. Although both of us were saying it in a joking manner but the feeling to me was very strong. In fact, the bond I had with my family was closer then before. I like and enjoy this kind of bonding a lot. Family are always the best!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Courier Service for the morning
Been out doing delivery since whole morning. The drawings were so heavy and now i can feel my arm aching. Walked down the whole of Orchard Road from one office to another. Orchard Road impression to me in the morning was a total contrast to the evening. It seem so cold and lonely to walk alone in the street of Orchard Road in early morning. All the shops are closed and people are rushing to get to work on time. I took my own sweet time to stroll down today, this is not the 1st time i went orchard at such earli hour but the feeling today leave me a different impression. Maybe becoz i managed to send out the tender document on time and at the same time have a good look at the surrounding with a more pleasant mind.
Have a strong impression of believing that if i used different mindset, different perspective, different time and different angle to look at things, i will have different views and results. In the future i should be more open-minded with things and look at it with a more pleasant mind.
Cant make up my mind of what to have for lunch. After the delivery, we were rather close to Chinatown so i suggested going down to people park market to settled our lunch. I wanted to have the famous yong tao hu that was always in the long queue 1. Saw the interview yesterday on TV so had the urge of trying it out but when we reached the market, the uncle told me they open at 1.30pm daily. I dun have the time to wait till then so both of us stroll down from one end to the other thinking what we want for lunch. I took us 15 min before deciding what we want. Finalli i settled down with the usual, sliced fish soup and Nasi Lemak for my colleague.
To: "不想说"
Sunday, January 6, 2008
梁静茹 - 三吋日光
仰望 你为我敞开的天窗
一段日光落在手心 三寸长
你说 秋天掌上的日光
一寸 能许一个愿望
希望我爱的人健康 个性很善良
大大手掌能包容我 小小的倔强
还想每天用咖啡香 不让你赖床
周末傍晚踩着单车 逛黄昏市场
第三个愿望 还不想讲
你自己想一想 问微笑的月光
很烫 可是很灿烂很漂亮
等到 世界末日你再讲
那个愿望 一起握紧不放
My 1st Sunday of year 2008
When i reach office there are two important thingy i have to complete,
Task No 1.
Got to send out the AI for OUH, a total of 6 copy before noon, the 1st time i'm handling this AI thingy. (AI means Architectural Instruction, got a lot of paperwork and coordination to be done) So i'm like a blur blur sotong but everithing got a first time, luckily the architect is a good guy, helped me a lot. Thank pal.
Task No 2.
Send out all my paperwork document to the Q&S. Prepare my lighting plan to be send out for printing, a total of 12 copy of AO size. Going to call tender again on Tuesday before noon. So everithing have to be settle by hook or by crook before leaving the office tomolo.
Smaller Task of the day 3...4....5....6.......7.......8..........
Clear my mail as usual
Send out my D&D photos
Prepare OT provisional sum area (Give loh a call to rush him out)
Prepare my Weds day Technical meeting document
Prepare all the landscape detailing for OUH
Guess i wont have time for any Monday blues session tomolo............... if i can finish my work on time might be going for a gyming session. Miss my gyming for weeks alreadi.
Friday, January 4, 2008
My 1st D&D nite with PB
Had great fun tonite. Just came back from my company Dinner & Dance at Marriot Hotel Grand Ballroom Level 3.
This is the 1st time I went to a D&D, so excited and happy. This year Theme was Culture night, and we were all ready on a plane to take off to different countries. SO many of us were dressed in our own culture costume. I of course is no exception. I wore a pinky cheongsum. The 1st time I ever wear a cheongsum, look so weird and I have to be so lady-like. Fun lar actually.
Had a lot of enjoyment, the entertainment level was so high, I was laughing non-stop but the show put up. Great job and effort. The opening of the D&D started off with all the high management performing for us, they played musical by using pail and chopsticks. So funny and so paiseh for the management level to do such performance. The dance and drama the RC put up was fantastic, it brought the noise level up up into the sky.
Got a lucky draw prize of a table fan and NTUC voucher. Haiz… too bad I missed the top prize of a 32” LCD TV. But it was really a great great great night I’ll never forget.
Now I’m looking forward to next year D&D again.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
2nd day of year 2008 at work
Didn’t went out for lunch, packed back instead. Was rather buzy as I need to tidy up my work for afternoon meeting. Finished up lunch using 15mins. Was called in to the big boss office for a chat. Haiz…. 1st day at work for the beginning of the year I was invite into the big boss office liao. Had a short chat but result was rather satisfying. My manager was like going nuts waiting outside: What does he wants from me to his office? What was our conversation about? Aiya, both their main concern was scared that I might be overworked as I am now juggling myself in between two big projects at the same time. Their worries was true lar, this “C” lady compained her workload of being too stressful and tired, then she resigned already. So far So good, I’m still handling well not big issue going on for both.
Just came back from my 1st consultant meeting of the year. Smooth and steady, I would comment. Finalli get to meet up with the owner and other parties of consultant involved in this project on site. This time I was clever, I wore jeans and low heels shoes – this dress code have to apply on every Wednesday as I need to be on site for technical and consultant meeting. Initially the meeting does not go this way, not the way I plan or imagine to be like. I thought it would be only a discussion on the technical issue with the Architect but who knows the owners and all the parties stepped in. I was like ……….the………. no matter who step in I told myself I must remain calm. I have to leave a good impression for the owner and the other consultants. So I die die present the lighting issue and discuss with all parties involved. But deep down in my heart, I was like cursing this Paul from the Arch side. Did he planned all this? His main motive was to let me pai seh and speechless in front of everybody, that’s only my way of thinking lar. But thank to him, I manage to pass through all stupid question he bomb me with with the thankful help form Richard(landscape architect). A Mr.nice guy. Paul is a RIOM – Real Idiotic Old Man. Spend my whole afternoon though, but really an eye opening at the meeting. So not a bad day after all. Good headstart for me in work for this year.
Set goals for myself to complete. Putting in stress for myself but I believe everything can be done well if I put in my heart.
加油! 只要肯用心做, 世上是没有事情我做不到的.