A good day to start with. All the work have been listed out, targeting to complete the time line I set for myself. Wow, Sid and Gabriel was earlier than me today. It’s amazing; normally I would be the 1st to on the light in my department but hahaha…. They broke my record today wor. Tired, didn’t sleep well last night. Boy came back home at nearly 4am and I went down to open the door for him. Tink he must have really njoyed his prom night yesterday.
Went to watch “Enchanted” at PS last evening. Got the free tix treat from Sis in return I treat her for dinner. A funny, relaxing, entertaining show…. A nice show for laughing out loud. Though it was a rather unrealistic story and fantasy story but I guess that would be every girl dream bah. Like the chipmunk, especially the way he can’t talk then they have to play guessing word games. Aiming to watch “National Treasure” and “Golden Compass” next, a lot of good show queuing up for me in coming future.
Tired, I’m feeling so sleepy now, can hardly concentrate. Woke up earlier then usual. Came office earlier to start work as I got really many mail and work to do. Not enough rest I guess that why my reaction was slower then usual and affecting my work speed as well. Maybe this evening I’ll go home earlier to rest then work late for Friday and Sat.
Our company D&D fall on the January, a Friday. Venue was @ Meritus Mandarin. It’s going to be fun and entertaining night. Our department book 2 table in total. Just got a news from the secretary, The lady “A” tender her resignation letter two weeks ago. This lady “A” came in PB to work on the same day as me. So I would say we were rather close. I didn’t know she resign at all, by the end of November would be her last day. In the beginning I find “A” not bad but as time goes by I didn’t really like both her character and her manners. So only until recent months then I begin to drift away from her. In fact, the whole of our department didn’t like her and thus she dun have much close friends here. Even my boss did warn me not to get too close to her because of all her well-known bad habit.
Summaries of list why I dislike her
1. She came in so late every morning. Even though she work late the previous night, she came in as late as 10++am. Which I dun see ani of her colleagues did that. When she came in late, she will even happily drink her kopi 1st then check her own personal mail then finally start to get into work slowly. Which was nearly to lunch time.
2. She is a spoilt brat to me. When I left food or sweet on my table. Without asking she can just jolly well open the packaging and eat on her own without even asking me. Food that I bought home, or some candy which other collegues give it to me. I hate it like that.
3. She also likes to go through my drawer just to look for dunnoe what things. She does not ask at all, even if I was sitting nearby. Can’t she get her own!!!
4. Bad hygiene. She sneeze and cough loudly without covering her mouth which I can’t stand it. She is spreading all her dirty germs around.
5. When lunch time, we all leave together she would always ask me to buy her food 1st then she came in so late to join us that all of us have almost finished eating and on top of it she talked a lot eat so slow and ended up we were all so pissed of waiting for her. Or she came with me then she would eat my food and keep saying that why my food taste nicer then hers, keep grabbing my food instead of eating her own. Excuse me, the food was from the same stall!!! Are you psycho or not!!!
6. During lunch she will surely talk about how sick she is, here pain there ache, complain about her colleagues giving her work to do, or even ask me to check if she got fever. (I dun care you have fever or not, it lunch time and why can’t you let me have lunch peacefully)
7. When I too engross with work she like to come over for a chat, disturbing me. Don’t you have eyes to see, I buzi working. I dun like it when I rushing work and you come to talk rubbish with me.
- Secretary complain: she went toilet too often and for too long. (True, once I bump into her on the corridor, she was holding a magazine then she told me she was going to bring it to the toilet to read as she has constipation. Wah, she went mia to the toilet for half an hour or more)
- Secretary complain: she was always on her mobile chatting. (True, her mobile was ringing all the time with loud Indian music)
- Secretary complain: she work too slow and did a lot of unnecessary things (KIV we were from different boss so I dun noe)
- Secretary complain: she is always on the net, msning or surfing the net (True, saw her msn popping out everitime and caught her surfing the net)
She got a whole list of bad records. Personally I feel she is just another rich pampered spoilt wife/girl/daughter. She does’nt have manners and hygience to keep her going in real life. Wondering how can her husband stand her. Maybe it 情人眼里出西思bah. But to me sorry I dun like all these bad details of hers. Anyway I think it good for her to leave if she does’nt get along well with any of her department people, why make yourself be so unhappy.
Just back from lunch. Location now is at my office, came back to clear the work I have. OT is rushing for tender closing again, I onli have less then a week to work with. And on top of it, my ouh is active as well. I was like being thrown into the deep blue sea to swim on my own. Either I struggle to survive or I sink. Set target schedule for myself. I intend to clear up all the resi area by this weekend then on coming monday, I’ll be onli left with retail. I would say I am 90% familiar with the work of resi but 0% about retail. Have no clue at all what going on with the retail side. Hopefully on Monday when charu came back from her holiday, we can work on the retail together and clear up the tender closing soon.
Earlier this morning I went to the dentist for my check-up and taking out of the surgery thread. The dentist was very impressed by my healing. When I told him after the surgery last week, it onli take me around 3days to recover, no fever and pain, he got a shocked. Most of his patient would get feer or the surgery area would be swell for a week or more. But non of this happen to me, I even went back to work on the 3rd day after the extraction. I was veri proud of myself as well. I got special healing power. Hahaha….. maybe I was just purely lucky bah. Got mama and papa to take such good care of me how can I not recover fast.Saw the christmas decorative this year at quite a few places. Is the colour code for this year purple? Just some personal opinion. when purple blend with some decoration the results was realli SUCKS. When i past by orchard few days ago, i was so in shock. I didnt realli like some colour mixture nor their fanciful decorative items. Even my ofice building uses purple as it main colour decoration. With warm light, the end result was like shit. It actualli blend the whole design to be so out-dated. Haiz........ what wrong with the color mixture nowadays?
有一個人在森林中漫遊的時候,突然遇見了一隻飢餓的老虎,老虎大吼一聲就撲了上來。他立刻用生平最大的力氣和最快的速度逃開,但是老虎緊追不捨,他一直跑一直跑一直跑,最後被老虎逼入了斷崖邊上。站在懸崖邊上,他想: 「與其被老虎捉到,活活被咬、肢解,還不如跳入懸崖,說不定還有一線生機。」他縱身跳入懸崖,非常幸運的卡在一棵樹上,那是長在斷崖邊的梅樹,樹上結滿了梅子。正在慶幸的時候,他聽到斷崖深處傳來巨大的吼聲,往崖底望去,原來有一只兇猛的獅子正抬頭看著他,獅子的聲音使他心顫,但轉念一想: 「獅子與老虎是相同的猛獸,被甚麼吃掉,都是一樣的。」當他一放下心, 又聽見了一陣聲音,仔細一看,一黑一白的兩隻老鼠,正用力地咬著梅樹的樹幹。他先是一陣驚慌,立刻又放心了,他想: 「被老鼠咬斷樹幹跌死,總比被獅子咬好。」情緒平復下來後,他感到肚子有點餓,看到梅子長得正好,就採了一些吃起來。他覺得一輩子從沒吃過那麼好吃的梅子,找到一個三角形樹丫休息,他想著: 「既然遲早都要死,不如在死前好好睡上一覺吧!」他在樹上沉沉的睡去了。睡醒之後,他發現黑白老鼠不見了,老虎、獅子也不見了。他順著樹枝, 小心翼翼的攀上懸崖,終於脫離險境。原來就在他睡著的時候,飢餓的老虎按捺不住,終於大吼一聲, 跳下懸崖。黑白老鼠聽到老虎的吼聲,驚慌逃走了。跳下懸崖的老虎與崖下的獅子展開激烈的打鬥,雙雙負傷逃走了。由我們誕生那一刻開始,苦難.就像飢餓的老虎一直追趕著我們,死亡,就像一頭兇猛的獅子,一直在懸崖的盡頭等待,白天和黑夜的交替,就像黑白老鼠,不停地正用力咬著我們暫時棲身的生活之樹,總有一天我們會落入獅子的口中。既然知道了生命中最壞的情景是死亡,唯一的路,就是安然地享受樹上甜美的果子,然後安心地睡覺,只有存著這樣單純的心、少慾望、多一點赤子之心。
Eeeeeeee….. just logged in to my friendster and saw an old ITE fren named himself as 守护天使. I near drop my jaws. “守护天使” is the name I used for a close fren of mine and yet he named himself this. OMG… sori dear die die oso muz change ur nick in my phone list liao. Hmmm… how shall I name you now… u sure gonna kill me for this. I’ll think of a better name for you k. No time recently so brain got clogged somewhere.
Haiz… yesterday worked till 11pm then went home. Got daddy to come fetch me, tonite got to stay and clear my work again. This time round I’m going to take cab and claim from Sid. Was rather disappointed with my work performance yesterday during the discussion meeting. I didn’t do enough homework for this meeting and now i’m definitely not going to let history repeat. Even I was put in this project halfway through, there is no excuse for me not to read up all the history of what going on and what is the latest statue. I will prepare myself well for tomorrow meeting again. Once more, I’ll have to go full gear and prepare for this round.
Have to go back dentist for check-up on my wound tonite but I predict myself to be in the office till …. Late… meaning really late. So no choice, postponed to Friday. Hopefully by Friday I’ll be less buzi even though I know it is impossible. J
I somehow remember coming across this saying ( forgot did some1 ask me or from any media), which is the biggest, widest and most complicated and dangerous things on earth.
The answer is not weather, natural diasaster, not the sky nor the ocean.
It HUMAN BEING. Coz it is hard to predict what they would do next, hard to know what they think and they can store many many unlimited things in the brain.
Upon thinking through, it true. It really hard to predict a human being at times.
Work Hard Gal. It now the time to strive and carve a career of your own.
Monday! So many weird and bizarre things happen to me in just a day.
Early in the morning, there is this phone argument between my department and the M&E side. I was involve in this argument as well. We had called Tender since last month end, and the owner was involved with what I was doing all this while. Yet the M&E called and scream at me why we called tender without their power supply. Weird liao, we are only involve in the lighting and not power. It their job and they say they know nothing about our calling of tender. Ha… after speaking and clarifying with my boss, we all tally that it was not to be our scope of work. They didn’t do their job and wanted to push the blame to us. When I go check our corr record, they were in the loop and they still have the cheek to say they know nothing. As instructed by boss, we don’t care. We have done our job well so it’s them who screw it up so… hehehe…. Shall wait and see what is their next move.
When going for lunch wif Sid, I met Keith. Ha… sometime ago met his bro and now it him. Agree to meet out for Wednesday lunch. Provided I’m in the office lar. Oso came across an old old fren in the foodcourt. I forgot him big name and yet he still remember me. Think we know each other for about 10 years liao bah, he was one of the group we meet during vacation job at Suntec during secondary school time. I was sitting right in front of him, such a coincidence I must say. Upon our conversation ithen knew he was working at concourse also. On the 30th floor and I’m on the 4th. But this week is his last week and he is moving on somewhere. I was even joking with Sid, I must wear mask when going out for lunch liao. Keep bumping into old frens.
Still stuck in office at this hour of time. Taking a short break, have to let my mind settle and be free 1st before I proceed on with the rest of my work. Have to clear OT work as I’m going town area for meeting again so wont be in the office whole morning.
Sis & me bought a new handphone for daddy yesterday. Daddy was telling me the other day that his mobile can't make it liao. So decided to get 1 for him, when i told sis the idea, she volunteer we share the amount. So Daddy got a new mobile phone. From his action, i could see that he was veri happy. Since this morning, he was coming up and down to ask me about his mobile. It realli nice to see the whole family so happy.
Now i was helping dad to get new ringtone for his mobile. I was targetting a some nice oldies. Somehow i like the lyrics of a lot of oldies lyrics. They are realli nice and somehow make some sense. XiaoDi even call me an aunty now. :P
I personalli prefer 陈雷 songs. Tink i got hook up his song only recently after i heard him singing on the charity show recently. I was even chatting with mummy at that time that his lyrics was realli WOW!
Today is consider the third day after my wisdom tooth surgery. The wound was healing fast, i no longer feel much pain and i can chew on solid food but not for veri long. Still Amanda make me eat congee. I've made the whole gang go over keypoint to eat congee with me.Everybody expect me to be on leave today but i went back to work. Well and healthy. The tooth did'nt bleed for long, and my face was no longer that swollen. If i didnt say i just went for the surgery, nobody could tell. HA... didn't they know i got two meeting to attend today, so how can i be on MC today. Quite proud of myself. Early in the morning, Paul came down to our office for the light fitting sample discussion. As i was the only person doing the coordination, it's only right that i be present. The discussion went on smoothly and well. Quite impressed with the tenderers presentation. How long does it take for me to reach half of their standard? Didnt stay back in the office for too late as I've brought my whole stack of document home to do. Was rather tired, but didn't plan to do the reading up today. Will start tomolo, i guess. Can't be lazy wor, if i want to be recognize i definitely have to work very hard.Had came across this topic quite often, be it on TV, Radio, Email or magazine. Wat is the true meaning of "friendship". Wat kind of friends can you consider to be trustworthy? Wat kind of friend can you rely on? There is this image or rather person that have been circulating in my mind, I got to know her through another guy couple of years ago. Only this recently or rather be more specific this year that we become closer. To me, i did leave some reserve area for her. Coz i didnt find her that trustworthy at all after all the things that happened so far. This group of frens is not realli that good to befren with. Slowly you'll find them to be of the same kind, cover with a nice mask but scheming on the under. Sometime i wonder, what will be my life if i didnt get to know them at all?
F***ing Shit! Juz did my wisdom tooth surgery two hours ago. Now it pain like hell. I wan to cry liao lar. I cant stand the pain. Cant even open my mouth to talk and even swallow any drink. My face was swollen and was still numb. Daddy just came up and i hugged him. He told me i'll be alright after a while. My mummy and daddy are so sweet. I loved my family.Just now before the surgery the doc did a small briefing and i was tot it was ok, since a lot of people done the wisdom surgery before, it should be fine for me. The surgery last for around an hour. The doctor say my pain was cause by my upper teeth, it was biting on to my lower wisdom tooth that why it cause me pain for the last few weeks. I could sense myself shivering when the doc did the surgery. I have feeling when the doc injecting something into my gum, in fact the whole process i could still feel it. When he finalli pluck out my tooth and told me the surgery was veri sucessful i was like feeling kind of relief. When he show me my wisdom tooth he pluck out, i was like in shocked. The tooth was so big, it seem fully grown. I wanted to tell the doc "Can i keep the tooth" but i cant open my mouth at all. The tooth was veri different from the x-ray photo, no wonder i was so much in pain, the tooth have been growing all this while. For the coming few days i'll still be in great pain and face will still be swollen. I hate to pluck out wisdom tooth. It make me so uncomfortable and sick!
哪里有彩虹告诉我 能不能把我的愿望还给我 为什么天这么安静 所有的云都跑到我这里 有没有口罩一个给我 释怀说了太多就成真不了 也许时间是一种解药 也是我现在正服下的毒药 看不见你的笑我怎么睡得着 你的声音这么近我却抱不到 没有地球 太阳还是会绕 没有理由 我也能自己走 你要离开我知道很简单 你说依赖是我们的阻碍 就算放开但能不能别没收我的爱 当作我最后才明白
Not in the mood to work today…. Monday Blues??? I doubt so… My tooth is aching for a month, finally confirm my surgery timing. This Wednesday, I be taking half day leave to go for my wisdom tooth extraction. What luck i have. The pain is disturbing me; everyday complaining to mummy my tooth hurts. Now finally made up my mind I want to get it over and done with. Can’t stand the pain anymore! Grhhhh….. Having attitude problem coz I dun wan to open my mouth and talk at all. But a lot of supplier came and go this morning, have a lot of conversation. Finalli peace at last, now I can carry on with my documentation work quietly. Tomorrow have to be on-site, a real big site out. All the director, bosses and consultant will attend, so I have a lot of work to prepare as I won’t be in office again.
Just came home from supper. We went chomp chomp for supper. The prata there was not bad, this is the second time i went with my family. Crack a lot of jokes, real enjoyed.This evening i went driving again, sis n bro-in-law was sitting in the car. I drove to hougang then came back. It was'nt really that scary went came to driving or parking. I beginning to like driving liao lor.