Monday, November 16, 2009

Stupid me...

Didn’t sleep well at all… Stupid me, I washed my blanket cover yesterday noon as I was thinking that since I will be away to neuruppin for a week. I might as well wash the cover up and make use of the week to let it dry. But I was wrong. I was freezing last night. In the middle of the nite, I have to get up and dig up my sweater to cover myself before I can rest. But still I didn’t enjoy resting at all.
Early morning, the postman call me up and said he will be delivering my parcel. So I was glad that I didn’t have class in early morning and I wont missed my parcel. Who’s noe. I waited and waited and finally I gave him a call. He told me he will be sending at 11am which I had my presentation. Had to get my german fren to call him back and ask him to send between 12 to 1pm. Which means, during lunch break I had to rush back to my dorm to wait for the parcel. Finally, I’ve received my parcel. Cool! Didn’t waste my rushing journey back to get my parcel… So many goodies inside, I was like a kiddo. When I open the box I was like digging for gold.
Thanks to everyone back home who had contributed to my parcel…….

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