Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dedicated to: 我的守护天使

我要出国去玩了.就在今晚,還有多幾個小時,半夜的飞机. 好开心! 这一次去就是十天,我一定会很想很想家和我的一大群好朋友的.
放心不下的是你了,我的守护天使. 和我的结局一样都不完美.你一定也很伤心吧! 你和我说过: Whatever does’nt kill us, will make us stronger. 我真的希望当我从中国回来时你已经没事了.这是我们的约定, 好吗? 把你告诉我的忠告也说一次给自己听. 等我回来时我们一起去约会,到时再来比一比我们在msn比的事情,我一定会赢你的.

We will meet our other half, it is just a matter of 天時 & 地理.
What happen is just a test meant for us to pass through.
Remember the website u send me, u onli encounter the 1st and u still have 3 more to go, so buck up and be stronger. We promised to hold each other hand and walk through this together, you must keep up in my pace as i’m finishing soon.

小狗问妈妈, 幸福在哪里?
妈妈说: 幸福在你的尾巴上,小狗于是去追自己的尾巴可怎么也追不到它.


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