Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wonderful Week
This week is rather packed for me despite i was on mc for a day.
* Monday n Tuesday i was on courses at Chai Chee TechnoPark
* Wednesday on mc but i still managed to sneak out for a movie session,
* Thursday i was buzi wif tidying my document in office for whole day,
* Today i was stuck on OT meeting for the whole afternoon and watched a wonderful musical show in the evening and
* Tomorrow i'm going to the zoo.
"Love About All", it was realli a great n awesome musical play, realli enjoyed it veri much. Was a sad story but the play was realli veri meaningful n interesting. It a real life story even. But I like their slogan best:
" He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain waht he cannot lose"
Have to go to bed, tomorrow still have a long day to go. Coz i'm going to the ZOO!!!
* Monday n Tuesday i was on courses at Chai Chee TechnoPark
* Wednesday on mc but i still managed to sneak out for a movie session,
* Thursday i was buzi wif tidying my document in office for whole day,
* Today i was stuck on OT meeting for the whole afternoon and watched a wonderful musical show in the evening and
* Tomorrow i'm going to the zoo.
"Love About All", it was realli a great n awesome musical play, realli enjoyed it veri much. Was a sad story but the play was realli veri meaningful n interesting. It a real life story even. But I like their slogan best:
" He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain waht he cannot lose"
Have to go to bed, tomorrow still have a long day to go. Coz i'm going to the ZOO!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tuesday - Rainy Day
My 2 day course finalli ended. It was a veri nice and wonderful course. I've gained a lot of knowledge in my field, didnt sleep at all for the whole session. Enjoyed it veri much. I as down with flu, sore throat and headache since wkend, so planning to take MC for tomolo. I NEED A BREAK. Was rather piss off yesterday, just becoz of a small incident. But after talking to a fren and my parents, everithing was back to normal again. Alive and kicking. So no worries at all. Hmmm. just received an sms "Free admission for two to MOS" now i've to throw coin and see if i'm going or not liao.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Mood Swing today!
It have been two days since I returned to work from my holiday. Realli njoy this China trip a lot. Still in slagging mood, but nevertheless i have to buck up and work hard liao. The weather today is like a reflection of mine today, it reflected my mood totalli. Early morning it was sunny, then it pour heavily now it is sunny again. Wasn’t feeling that good in the late afternoon, been chatting wif some gd fren of mine to distract myself, at least now my mood better. Hmmm… they can detect my mood swing easily ah. Now I feeling a lot better. Planning for some gathering this wkend, will meet up wif a buddy of mine for chit-chatting and gossiping. Looking so forward to this sat. Planning to watch movie as well but …………… maybe will cancel the program of movie session. Programmes have been all plan and line up for this whole month, July. So I’ll be rather packed.
Couple of friends going oversea for this two months, I’ll be missing them. Too bad I have just returned from mine. But I’ve already in mind what are the places I wan to visit next time. It will probably happen earli nxt year or end of this year.
Couple of friends going oversea for this two months, I’ll be missing them. Too bad I have just returned from mine. But I’ve already in mind what are the places I wan to visit next time. It will probably happen earli nxt year or end of this year.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Location: ShangHai

Time: 7.40am
Weather: Look pretti OK to me right now
Still waiting for the time to reach 8.30am, our breakfast time. I was so tired for the past few days in China. We were like walking throughtout. From the first day we arrived at Beijing we started using our 11 personal transport to walk. The palace, garden and their old architecture were awesome. It was so different in reality. Hmm... Reality can be veri deceiving. The room in the Palace, Gu Gong where the emporer lived in was so small, the corridor was so narrow, I wonder how the emporer enjoyed the life in the past! But their architecture was realli amazing, it was so grand and magnificient. Everi room, porcelain, tree and even a rock have a story of their own. China is realli a wonderful country to tour, wanting to go tibet in future.
The weather in Beijing was realli hot, everiday almost 35 degree and above. Luckily i was not sunburn. But the weather in Jiangnan was OK to me. I have alreadi travel the 6 states, and now Shanghai is our last location. Shopping, will be the main passing time in Shanghai. I've just took the cruise ride yesterday nite, the night scenary along Huang Po Jiang was fantastic. We still have one more night here in Shanghai. Taking the plane back to Spore tomolo night, will be reaching in Spore on Mon earli morning.
Overall, I quite like the places in China. Althought the food is salty and oily, the people here are rather uneducated but the architecture realli attract me a lot. Our tour was not realli that peaceful, happings almost everiday. But i made a lot of new friends, from france, indonesia, spore and china. Not bad after all. I took nearli to a thousand photo, a couple of video clip, i can be veri confirm for sure that once back in spore i will be editing the photos. Didnt spend much for the past few days so my shopping spree will have to begin in Shanghai starting in the morning. I've check it out with our Shanghai guide the places for shopping. Will be buying a new suitcase here in Shanghai as my luggage will be all packed with foodstuff. I love the candy and sweet stuff in China. Hopefully it doesnt rain later. Realli enjoy my trip in China.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Dedicated to: 我的守护天使
我要出国去玩了.就在今晚,還有多幾個小時,半夜的飞机. 好开心! 这一次去就是十天,我一定会很想很想家和我的一大群好朋友的.
放心不下的是你了,我的守护天使. 和我的结局一样都不完美.你一定也很伤心吧! 你和我说过: Whatever does’nt kill us, will make us stronger. 我真的希望当我从中国回来时你已经没事了.这是我们的约定, 好吗? 把你告诉我的忠告也说一次给自己听. 等我回来时我们一起去约会,到时再来比一比我们在msn比的事情,我一定会赢你的.
We will meet our other half, it is just a matter of 天時 & 地理.
What happen is just a test meant for us to pass through.
Remember the website u send me, u onli encounter the 1st and u still have 3 more to go, so buck up and be stronger. We promised to hold each other hand and walk through this together, you must keep up in my pace as i’m finishing soon.
小狗问妈妈, 幸福在哪里?
妈妈说: 幸福在你的尾巴上,小狗于是去追自己的尾巴可怎么也追不到它.
放心不下的是你了,我的守护天使. 和我的结局一样都不完美.你一定也很伤心吧! 你和我说过: Whatever does’nt kill us, will make us stronger. 我真的希望当我从中国回来时你已经没事了.这是我们的约定, 好吗? 把你告诉我的忠告也说一次给自己听. 等我回来时我们一起去约会,到时再来比一比我们在msn比的事情,我一定会赢你的.
We will meet our other half, it is just a matter of 天時 & 地理.
What happen is just a test meant for us to pass through.
Remember the website u send me, u onli encounter the 1st and u still have 3 more to go, so buck up and be stronger. We promised to hold each other hand and walk through this together, you must keep up in my pace as i’m finishing soon.
小狗问妈妈, 幸福在哪里?
妈妈说: 幸福在你的尾巴上,小狗于是去追自己的尾巴可怎么也追不到它.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
星期二:Why the same fate!
Started off with a bad new today, my G.angel is hurt. Deeply hurt by relationship as well. We just ended our conversation on the phone, he seem so moody and sad. From his voice I sense bitterness. and sadness. The moment I saw his nick on msn I knew something had happened to him. “我已经放弃所有哭的理由, 因为我早就习惯冷漠活在无情的现实里头" But I nv expect his sadness is link with breaking off wif his gf. The reason is almost the same as mine. Being betrayed. But the different is he got an answer. His “gf” admitted to him honestly but what about mine. Trying to hide and keep me in the dark. I really wonder, what does commitment into a relationship means to others. They can treat it so easily. Doesn’t it mean anything to them?
Always full of stupid, lame, crappy excuse just to get themselves free from a relationship that they no longer want to be involved in: Conclusion I have, stupid reasons for breaking up
1) We are not mend for each other after so many years of relationship
2) No freedom for friends, smoking and drinking
3) There is someone out there more suitable for you; I don’t want to hold you up.
Is it that difficult for them to admit they have a change in heart? Is being honest that difficult? Is lying to their friends the real reasons for break off so hard or they just wanted to keep their good image in front of them. Only they know the truth. I find them to be so pitiful, they have to keep lying to cover up the real reason, cover up their own act. “Promise are mend to be broken, CAN I TRUST PROMISE AGAIN?
Many things started to come back into my thought Why? Why? Why? I can’t find a real and acceptable answer to these entire questions that have been circulating in my mind…
Can I bring my angel on a holiday as well, his need a break like I do? I wan all my gd fren and family members to be happy. So many things have happen for the past few weeks. I am made with no choice but to learn how to accept and overcome them. It’s a big blow but it won’t kill, it will only make me stronger than before.
Been listening to sad love songs, but i find the lyric of these songs realli hit the bull eyes. No harm listening, so frens dun nag at me ani more k.
By the way came across a new hit on the radio today not bad… like the lyric and the tune…
应昌佑 - 感谢寂寞.
只不過現在相互解脫 逃離糾纏的旋渦
我一個人也要生活 可以更自我
我一個人也有話說 沒含情脈脈
沒有溫柔的撫摸 想得更多
甚麼寂寞 沒有人愛不是罪過
感謝寂寞 讓我自由空間比較多
想到甚麼都看破 眼淚不知往哪裡 停泊
有問題時候只懂閃躲 直到失去你下落
從此沒有人在旁囉唆 從此房間的空氣變稀薄
Just got a notice that after my return from my holiday, I need to go for a 2 days course at some area. God knows I dun wish to be at that place but what can I do. I will have to face it with my guts. Am thinking of taking another 1week leave in either August or Sept, wish to attend a course that would be very useful to my job as well. My manager very supportive and feel that it will help as well. Have to fix the date of the course when back from my trip.
Hopefully all went well. I wish for all the best to my gd fren out there especially to angel.
To my "G. angel": I noe u will look at this post, so i wanna let u noe that we will pull it through together k. Rainbow at the other end k. No worries at all. As u always say, watever doesnt kill us, will make us a stonger person.
Always full of stupid, lame, crappy excuse just to get themselves free from a relationship that they no longer want to be involved in: Conclusion I have, stupid reasons for breaking up
1) We are not mend for each other after so many years of relationship
2) No freedom for friends, smoking and drinking
3) There is someone out there more suitable for you; I don’t want to hold you up.
Is it that difficult for them to admit they have a change in heart? Is being honest that difficult? Is lying to their friends the real reasons for break off so hard or they just wanted to keep their good image in front of them. Only they know the truth. I find them to be so pitiful, they have to keep lying to cover up the real reason, cover up their own act. “Promise are mend to be broken, CAN I TRUST PROMISE AGAIN?
Many things started to come back into my thought Why? Why? Why? I can’t find a real and acceptable answer to these entire questions that have been circulating in my mind…
Can I bring my angel on a holiday as well, his need a break like I do? I wan all my gd fren and family members to be happy. So many things have happen for the past few weeks. I am made with no choice but to learn how to accept and overcome them. It’s a big blow but it won’t kill, it will only make me stronger than before.
Been listening to sad love songs, but i find the lyric of these songs realli hit the bull eyes. No harm listening, so frens dun nag at me ani more k.
By the way came across a new hit on the radio today not bad… like the lyric and the tune…
应昌佑 - 感谢寂寞.
只不過現在相互解脫 逃離糾纏的旋渦
我一個人也要生活 可以更自我
我一個人也有話說 沒含情脈脈
沒有溫柔的撫摸 想得更多
甚麼寂寞 沒有人愛不是罪過
感謝寂寞 讓我自由空間比較多
想到甚麼都看破 眼淚不知往哪裡 停泊
有問題時候只懂閃躲 直到失去你下落
從此沒有人在旁囉唆 從此房間的空氣變稀薄
Just got a notice that after my return from my holiday, I need to go for a 2 days course at some area. God knows I dun wish to be at that place but what can I do. I will have to face it with my guts. Am thinking of taking another 1week leave in either August or Sept, wish to attend a course that would be very useful to my job as well. My manager very supportive and feel that it will help as well. Have to fix the date of the course when back from my trip.
Hopefully all went well. I wish for all the best to my gd fren out there especially to angel.
To my "G. angel": I noe u will look at this post, so i wanna let u noe that we will pull it through together k. Rainbow at the other end k. No worries at all. As u always say, watever doesnt kill us, will make us a stonger person.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
星期日:Moody morning to start with!
I wake up pretti earli, cant get to sleep oso dun noe y. I was veri tired last nite finalli finished packing but .... y cant i get back to sleep. So decided to do something to keep myself occupied.
I begin my morning by tidying my table and cupboard.
I threw away many things that used to be veri important and memoriable to me. But now it became meaningless and i dun intend to keep them animore, they no longer belong to me, it had change it owner. Time passes veri fast, it have been almost two mths since i realized it. Rite now i was listening to the music that came out frm the" handmade musical box", in another half an hr time i would expect this box to be in the bin. Suddenli the thought of LOVE came into my mind, Everithing gone, i dun intend to keep and treasure all these. It will always be in my memories, whether be it sad or happy.
Ishi - the team member of SOULS killed himself over relationship, is it worth hurting himself and his famili just like that by ending his life? I dun agreed with the way he handle this. Eventualli the one that is upsad is his fans, frens and families and not the other party.
What is the real meaning of LOVE? Im puzzled as well! It can make you hapi ,like in heaven and yet make ur life be in hell. It all depend on how u look upon it. Its the thoughts and angle u see from. I was veri lucky to have a group of veri dearly and supporting frens and my family ard me. THANKS! They have been with me for these 2 months. My parents worries the most, i make them stay up so late to wait for me, frens calling me everi now n then to make sure i'm in the rite mood. That's veri thoughful. Although i cant control my heart but i can tell them that i'm okie. No worries for me. Without any setback i wont grow up, im no longer what i used to be now. I am going to start my life afresh. It will be even better then before.
I'm trying to lighten my thoughts and focus more on my career and family. They are the most important things to me right now.
I begin my morning by tidying my table and cupboard.
I threw away many things that used to be veri important and memoriable to me. But now it became meaningless and i dun intend to keep them animore, they no longer belong to me, it had change it owner. Time passes veri fast, it have been almost two mths since i realized it. Rite now i was listening to the music that came out frm the" handmade musical box", in another half an hr time i would expect this box to be in the bin. Suddenli the thought of LOVE came into my mind, Everithing gone, i dun intend to keep and treasure all these. It will always be in my memories, whether be it sad or happy.
Ishi - the team member of SOULS killed himself over relationship, is it worth hurting himself and his famili just like that by ending his life? I dun agreed with the way he handle this. Eventualli the one that is upsad is his fans, frens and families and not the other party.
What is the real meaning of LOVE? Im puzzled as well! It can make you hapi ,like in heaven and yet make ur life be in hell. It all depend on how u look upon it. Its the thoughts and angle u see from. I was veri lucky to have a group of veri dearly and supporting frens and my family ard me. THANKS! They have been with me for these 2 months. My parents worries the most, i make them stay up so late to wait for me, frens calling me everi now n then to make sure i'm in the rite mood. That's veri thoughful. Although i cant control my heart but i can tell them that i'm okie. No worries for me. Without any setback i wont grow up, im no longer what i used to be now. I am going to start my life afresh. It will be even better then before.
I'm trying to lighten my thoughts and focus more on my career and family. They are the most important things to me right now.
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