2 down... hahaha.... completed my Arch Management and Light.Color.Material final presentation this week. Now, i'm still left with 5 more presentation and 1 more exam to conquer this month. Cool... quite satisfied with the results so far. Grade is not an issue to me, process and understanding means more to me.
Just came back from my 1st subway meal since i came over to Germany. Damn expensive, one full meal of 30cm subway cost 7.99euro. And i'm sharing the meal with a fren. Expensive but at least i can pour out my sorrow to the group. I had enough since tuesday. All about Anja, this demoralizing german girl. Yucks...
On tuesday, she was skyping with me. She was so bloody hell out of her mind. 5 of us were grping for LCM project and i was the last one to edit and make sure the final printed out version was complete. So after checking, i send out to the other 4 member and ask for final comments with the version before i send for printing. I didnt send to her alone and she replied me with a nasty comments. "Why? why am i always the one doing all the work and checking!" I was like... what... i was thinking that did i do that piss her off. How cum her attitude is so bad. Okie, i know everyone was really stress this month becoz there was so many presentation and submission but still.... control your own temper. I had to explain nicely to her that my intention was to do a final check with everyone and making sure everyone agreed on this printout. I dun see anything wrong with it.
Finally she calm down and goes on asking me how was my grp preparation with AM case studies report. Well, i answered that my group was going on fine. Now paula was doing the final adding in. So what wrong with that again. She then replied me :you ahould not be so pround of your work. It's not challenging at all to work with paula. Your design are just piece of art." I was really very angry with her then. What kind of attitude is she giving me? You ask me about my other grp progress and yet you are making so irritating comments about my grp work. Who the fucking hell are you to comments on me like this. Everyone came from different culture and backgroup. So what the problem you are having.
Grhh... this morning when i step into the lecture room. She came and sat beside me. 1st time in the morning, when my mood was really good. I was like OMG. Again, she started telling me that andres was mad at her. Andres was shouting at her on skype last night regarding our project. I was like.. what... we are a team in this project how cum i dun know that there is problem going on in our grp. Ok.. i was listening to her pouring out her sorrow. Gosh... after breaktime, she came to me again and saying that she was very upset becoz, andres was talking behind her back with max and mus. I was like what actually really happen. I dont know about the argument and can i not get involved in it. I'm simply not that interested to know. She keep on saying that she done nothing wrong and why is andres getting mad at her for. Hmmm... when i came to know the whole story, i was like... my mind's vein was totally unblocked. Aso.... that how the whole things went. Hai... cant we all make things simplify. Anywat, simplicity was the best.
I keep avoiding Anja since lunch. I cant stand her complaining to her the whole morning. I just wanted a more peaceful day. I guess i did it pretty obvious to her that keep her mouth shut. So after the lesson, the grp of us... the gossiper we went to Subway. We were all commenting about her behaviour. It seem that everyone in the class was having problems with her. I skype her conversation about.. not challenging... proud.. a piece of art... to paula, for her viewing as we were a team for the main prsentation... same thinking as i did... she was really angry with anja's attitude as well. We were all talking behind her back this time round. What problems does she have. She is behaving like a kiddo. So negative thinking, and it is stressing everyone out. Everyone got submission to do and why is she making a big issue out of it!
Learn how to control your temper and attitude well.
The final conclusion we all agreed on: next semester we are all not going to having any project grouping with her... No Anja no stress...