Gosh... was realli tired now. Just came back... 2am in the morning. This was my 1st night out party since i've arrived in Germany. Went over to Haus 25 for the party. Lighties Chinese Party Night out. We, chinese students prepared out traditional chinese food... Jiao Zhi... Now i noe how to make the dough, skin and the filling. Will do it for daddy and mummy when i get back to spore. Hehehe...
After our delicious meal, we had wine of coz... It is something that shouldnt be missed out. I drank a bit as usual but not drunk of course. We played "who is the killer" so funni and some other games. From 6pm the dinner started till 2am... gosh.. had so much fun..
Now i noe i'm not suitable to eat beef at all... Had tried beef for a couple of times, but in the end... end up having diarrhea after taking beef...
Now i now, i will cut down on eating beef unless no choice.
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