Sunday, March 7, 2010

Talking to mama

Just finished my talk to mama. We chat and laugh abt a lot of things.
Mama was asking me to inform her about the date i'm returning to Spore. Grandma said she wants to know and will also be cuming to pick me up at the airport. Grandma want to attend bunbun 1st year old birthday party also. So it means she will be travel to spore for 2 times in May and July. I was laughing and telling mama to ask jie to bring backward bunbun birthday party to july than i will surely drop off the idea of backpacking for a month and return to spore earlier in july.
Bad naughty mama ask me to wait long long, where got birthday bring backward one. So sad...
Outside is snowing again. This time round, the snow willlast quite long. So tomorrow the road will be covered in white again. Before i really witness heavy snow, i was really looking so forward and excited to be playing with a pool of white snow. But now, having experience snow storm for the whole of almost 4 months, i really had more than enough. Snow is nothing but cold cold cold to me.... Nothing to expect from already.
When will spring be here....

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